Written by Beris Pritchard, SPA Liaison
What a celebration we have to share! What a trail of history is ours! Wanda’s vision has transcended the past and present, but it is up to all of us – every member – to carry her vision into the future. Every current member can be proud of her or his support to bring this momentous year to fruition. We are going to celebrate our heritage and revisit our history with a special story each month as part of our Centennial Series on our Quota Blog – something our Founder wouldn’t have dreamed of. Do you know who the women were who supported our Founder to organize the world’s first international women’s service organization? Do you know why our Name and Motto were chosen? Who chose our colors – blue and silver? Do you know how many Executive Directors our organization has had? Have they always been called The Executive Director? Did you know that our oldest club will have its 98th birthday on April 25th in 2019? They must have stories to share. When did Quota International truly become international? Were we always called Quota International? I don’t think so! How and why did our unified service programs come into being? Where have our International Conventions been held and how have they changed over 100 years? Which clubs have encouraged one (or more) of their members to become an International President? How did Quota spread its wings across the globe – who was responsible? In current times when it’s difficult to organize a new club, how did we manage to recruit new countries? How have we managed to work together? We are composed of different countries, different cultures, different currencies, different communities, and different projects. What has been our common thread for 100 years? Our Founder, Wanda Frey Joiner had a vision which has enriched the life of every person who has been a member of Quota International and every person who has been helped by a Quota club in communities around the world. How is your club planning to celebrate next year? We will celebrate and share our stories as the International Service Club that our Founder planned we would be. In December watch for “The Beginning…”
Want to print and distribute these messages to your club? Click HERE to access the printable PDF archive of this series.