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August President's Message

Grace Caldwell

Dear Quota Members,

“To plant a garden is to believe in the power of tomorrow.”

--Audrey Hepburn, Actress

With a little more than one month to go until September 30, our last day of active operation as an international organization, Quota members are growing strong roots with fellow Quotarians, near and far. A colorful palette of blooming friendships has been sprouting around the world from recently planted seeds ensuring a tomorrow blessed with continuing Quota connections.

In our major membership countries of Australia, Canada, the Philippines, and the United States, committees of devoted Quota volunteers are contemplating plans for optional national connections of clubs:

  • In Australia… after surveying Australian clubs, volunteers are developing mechanisms for more informally supporting and communicating with fellow Quota clubs in that country.  

  • In Canada… volunteers are considering the creation of a more formal entity that would permit interested clubs to remain connected together and would offer benefits of value to participating clubs.

  • In the Philippines… clubs plan to continue on remaining connected both within their regions, led by current regional directors, and countrywide, through communications and Facebook.  

  • In the United States… after surveying U.S. clubs via telephone, volunteers are exploring the potential creation of a new legal entity that would connect, support, and communicate with all U.S. clubs that wish to participate in this new national network of clubs.

Clubs are creating more local and regional connections, too. Clubs previously affiliated as a region or district are talking about staying connected and possibly meeting in person from time-to-time to enjoy fellowship and share service and fundraising successes. And some clubs located in nearby communities from one another are creating informal arrangements that would allow them to encourage and support each other’s service and fundraising efforts.

In Ohio, U.S.A., three separate clubs have chosen to join together as ONE club, strengthening the bonds of fellowship, expanding membership, and increasing service and fundraising success. The three clubs—QI of Wooster, QI of Orrville, and QI of West Salem, are creating a fresh start together along with a new name that ensures every member is an equally valued and welcomed club participant.

Individual members who wish to remain connected to members around the world can do so as well. Here’s how:

  • First, add your name to the new membership directory that Quota is creating for the private use of members who choose to participate. By adding your name and contact information by our deadline of SEPTEMBER 1, you will receive a PDF of the final member directory before September 30. The directory will enable you to reach out to Quota friends locally, regionally, or globally.

  • Second, visit and “like” Quota International’s Facebook page which will continue on after September 30, administered by a slate of volunteers who will ensure the page is updated and maintained for years to come. Post your news and read about the successes reported by members and clubs worldwide. By “liking” the page, you will automatically receive updates in your own Facebook feed.

“Make new friends, but keep the old, some are silver, but the others are gold.” You have the power to retain valued Quota friendships—locally and globally, should you wish to do so. My greatest hope is that you take time now to plant seeds in your Quota garden in order to remain connected to those who have shared your Quota journey from near and afar.

In other Quota news, I am pleased to report that QI just sold its third office suite, a deal completed in 11 days from start to finish. On Tuesday, August 11, we received a surprise all-cash offer for Suite 6, which contains a large office space which Quota used as a private office and a reception parlor, the Quota kitchen, and our Quota storage room.

On Friday, August 21, Executive Director Nancy Fitzpatrick signed settlement papers on behalf of the Board of Directors conveying the space to its new owners, a software development company. The list price of the office space at that time was US$299,900, and the Board of Directors unanimously voted to accept the offer of US$265,000. Quota netted US $240,954.12 after settlement expenses were paid. The proceeds from the sale have been wired to Quota International’s Merrill Lynch reserve account.

This good news is tempered with the fact that we still have one more office suite to sell, Quota’s Suite 7, which is less desirable because of its location at and view out of the back of our building. However, its price was recently reduced by 10% as previously reported to you to a new list price of US$199,900 to attract buyers. It is being actively marketed now that Washington, D.C. is in Phase Two of its COVID shutdown.

As you can understand, we are unable to project the timing of the sale of the final unit. It could happen a month from now or six months from now. With little over 30 days until September 30, 2020, most likely our organization will begin its inactive operation on that date rather than filing dissolution papers as had been hoped. Here are the statistics on the timing of the sales of our first three suites to give you some perspective:

  • NOVEMBER 2018: Quota International listed all office space (4 units) for sale.

  • FEBRUARY 2019: Suite 4 sold, 3 months after the space was listed for sale in November 2018. List Price - US$270,000 / Sold Price - US$265,000

  • DECEMBER 2019: Suite 5 sold, 13 months after the space was listed for sale in November 2018 and 10 months after Suite 4 sold in February 2019. List Price - US$533,000 / Sold Price - US$510,000

  • AUGUST 2020:  Suite 6 sold, 22 months after the space was listed for sale in November 2018 and 8 months after Suite 5 was sold in December 2019. List Price - US$299,900 / Sold Price – US$265,000

While this month’s sale is very good news, it does not change our ability to know when payments will be made to clubs that choose to wait to receive their membership dues refund until after the sale of our final office suite. Meanwhile, 45% of clubs thus far have requested the one-year refund payment that is now available to any club or member-at-large. Should you wish to receive this payment instead ofthe final payment which could potentially contain a refund at a higher rate at an unknown future date, please contact


In closing, thank you for all that you are doing to keep Wanda Frey Joiner’s dream of fellowship and service alive in new ways in your communities around the world. I am grateful for our continuing shared commitment towards making our world a better place for all.

Yours in Quota,

Emilie Simon

2018-2020 President


© 2019 Quota International, Inc.

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