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President's Message | July 2020

Grace Caldwell

Welcome to this month’s President’s Message.

As Quota’s final days as an international organization begin to wind down, the time has come for us to share with you our final thoughts, successes and challenges as an organization, and opportunities that are still available to you as a Quota member. Visit our Dear Quota Members page to read special messages and reports including my State of the Union Message, an in-depth Treasurer’s Report from President-elect Carol Patin, and a closing message from Executive Director Nancy Fitzpatrick. In addition, we are sharing detailed reports which honor club excellence, thank generous high donors from the past two decades, and celebrate our international service which has touched lives for over 100 years. Finally, we have created a special online publication containing photos of our Quota headquarters and memorabilia as a Quota keepsake for you.

Meanwhile, as was announced in last week’s Quota Quick Update, all clubs and all members-at-large are welcome to request a one-year refund of membership dues NOW at the rate of US$79 per member, should you wish to do so. Previously, this offer was only available to clubs which were dissolving and not continuing on after Quota’s international structure dissolved. While the hope is to refund at the rate of more than one-year’s dues per member per club after all office space sells, our space remains unsold. If your club chooses to receive a refund now, it will not qualify for any future refunds. Interested clubs and members-at-large in all countries except Australia, please contact Interested clubs and members-at-large in Australia, please contact SPA Liaison Beris Pritchard at

In closing, please accept our thanks for all you have done in Quota’s name and all you will do going forward as you keep Quota’s legacy of service alive in your corner of our Quota world. You can expect to hear from me two more times – in August and September, and of course we plan to stay in touch with you these final two months via our Leadership e-Alert and Quota Quick Update communications. Until then, good luck with your transitioning activities. We are happy to help you in any way we can going forward these remaining months.

Yours in Quota,

Emilie Simon


© 2019 Quota International, Inc.

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