Dear Quota Members,
A new Quota Web site is in the works, but meanwhile, this special edition of the QUOTA QUICK UPDATE is dedicated to helping you, members and leaders both, make the most of our current site. Executive Director Nancy has some Web gems to share with you today!
Dear Nancy, Our club definitely has STAR QUALITIES! How can we get our successes noticed by Quota International? Signed, Proud of My Club
Dear Proud of My Club,
I’m proud of your club, too, and Quota’s Star Rewards Program sounds perfect for you. Winning clubs receive honors and award grants. Clubs are judged on their membership, local community support, QI support, and participation in Quota’s service and awards programs and meetings. The deadline for submitting your online Star Rewards application is June 30, 2019.
Dear Nancy, Our club wants to submit a proposed bylaw amendment to Quota International to be considered at Convention 2020. How do we go about writing it? Signed, Eager Bylaw Writer
Dear Eager Bylaw Writer,
You have plenty of time, but I’m glad you asked! Review our handy Guide on How to Write a Bylaw Amendment after viewing our online example. Our easy-to-use online Bylaw Amendment Word Template comes in two sizes – 8” x 11” and A4. A word of advice: you might want to wait to submit your proposed bylaw until the Board of Directors announces plans for Quota’s new structure in December 2019. Proposed amendments are not due until January 1, 2020.
Dear Nancy,
I’m a long-time member and a Quota history buff. I want to brush up on my Quota knowledge skills. Where can I learn more about our organization’s 100 years of service to the world? Signed, Lifelong Learner
Dear Lifelong Learner,
You’re in luck! Here are six assignments for your reading pleasure. Share information with your club and plan a Quota trivia night!
Assignment 1: Overview of Quota’s History
Assignment 2: Quota Milestones 1919 – 2019
Assignment 3: List of Past International Presidents
Assignment 4: List of Past International Convention Sites
Assignment 5: The Quotarian magazine archive (Includes issues published from 2002 to 2015.)
Assignment 6: The Quota Centenial article series (Articles will continue to be published monthly through 2019.)
Dear Nancy, Our club newsletter could use some sprucing up. Help! Signed, Club Communicator
Dear Club Communicator, Quota International publishes all e-newsletters it receives from clubs and regions around the world. Not only will you get great newsletter and design ideas, but service, fellowship, and recruitment tips as well. And, please send your e-newsletter to staff@quota.org when you finish its facelift so we can share it online!
Dear Nancy, How can I keep up with breaking Quota news? Signed, News Hound
Dear News Hound,
Here are three tips for staying “in the know” on latest news from around Quota’s world.
TIP 1: Submit your e-mail address to Quota International (staff@quota.org) and you will receive all international communications including e-announcements, e-newsletters, and copies of all President’s Messages the moment they are published.
TIP 2: Enjoy heartwarming Quota stories and latest news on our Quota Blog.
TIP 3: Connect with members from around the world on our active Facebook page. Make new friends in other Quota countries, share ideas, and learn tips that will benefit your club.
Dear Nancy,
We are an international organization! Where are our clubs located and how can you keep up with the time difference in each? Signed, Inquiring Mind Wants to Know
Dear Inquiring Mind Wants to Know,
To learn where Quota operates around the work, check out our Club Locator page. To calculate the time difference, check out our nifty Time Converter tool!
Dear Nancy, Our club could use some help in getting our Quota enthusiasm going again. Do you have a tonic for us? Signed, Caring Club Member
Dear Caring Club Member,
Indeed I do! Plan a new service project, something your club has never done before. Be sure to involve all club members. (Perhaps our online club newsletters could give you some great ideas? Or, check out our signature Quota service projects.) Plan recruitment and PR activities surrounding it, and perhaps even ask volunteers (potential members?) to help. March is Quota Cares Month but you don’t have to wait until the month of March to let your community know that Quota cares. While your project is underway, take great photos to submit to our annual Photo Contest. (Quota Cares Month and Photo Contest deadlines are June 30. Review all Quota Awards programs and deadlines.) Share your news, photos, and successes on Quota’s Facebook page and wait for the congratulations to come in!
Occasional QUOTA QUICK UPDATES are sent to members with e-mail addresses in the Quota International membership database. At no time is e-mail information sold or loaned to other organizations. To delete, change, or add an e-mail address in this database, please contact staff@quota.org.
The QUOTA QUICK UPDATE is written by Nancy Fitzpatrick / Executive Director / nancy@quota.org / 202.331.9694
Want to print Quota Quick Updates and distribute to your club? Click HERE to access the printable PDF archive of this series.