Dear Quota Members,
Around Quota’s world, a change in seasons is occurring. Members in the Northern Hemisphere are cheering the onset of spring and the storage of winter woolies and coats. In the Southern Hemisphere, summer is evolving into autumn, and a new chill in the air brings welcome relief from the hot summer sun. Even countries located close to the equator have seasons, like my home country of the Philippines, where summer has begun.
In Quota, we are experiencing seasons of change, and with each change comes loss and opportunity. The loss we are experiencing is a combination of membership losses and a financial setback this year. The opportunity? The chance to design Quota to operate in a new, more cost-effective and efficient way to ensure your club’s continuation for a second century of service in your community.
We are asking for your help with this important project at your 2019 Regional Meeting. During your International Representative’s presentation, you will be invited to participate in a small group discussion where your feedback will be recorded and shared with your Board of Directors. We want to know what you value most about your experience as a Quotarian and what ideas you have related to our mission of protecting the future of our clubs.
Regional Meetings are wonderful opportunities to participate in Quota beyond your local club. Meetings are filled with inspirational presentations, fellowship opportunities, and the ability to make new friends who share your commitment to Quota’s service mission. International Representatives care so deeply about connecting with you and your fellow Regional Members that they are traveling to meetings at their own expense. Please consider attending this very important year.
Changes in Rules of Procedure
Because of the changes coming to Quota that are not yet fully defined, your Board has voted to revise Quota International’s Rules of Procedure to extend the deadline for the submission of 2020 Board Nominee forms. The Board of Directors will be unveiling its new structure proposal in December 2019 after our in-person meeting. It is only fair that potential leaders have the opportunity to learn more about the plans shared at that time before choosing to run for international office. Here are the revised 2020 Board Nominee deadlines:
The deadline for submitting forms declaring candidacy for international office has been moved from December 31, 2019, to February 1, 2020. (Candidate forms will be available later in the year.)
The deadline for submitting a 3-minute campaign video and a one-page campaign flyer has been moved from January 31, 2020, to March 1, 2020.
The election ballot mail date has been moved from March 1, 2020, to April 1, 2020.
The voted election ballot postmark deadline remains June, 1, 2020.
As has been the procedure in recent years, there will be no voting on international nominees at Convention 2020.
Other changes have been made to the Rules of Procedure, primarily to ensure that the Rules reflect current Quota International Bylaws, the fiscal year change, and the current level of dues.
Read a listing of all content changes made to the Rules of Procedure.
Read or print the complete version of Quota International’s Rules of Procedure (dated April 2019).
In closing, all of these changes are designed to prepare for the Quota of the future which you, the members, will help determine through the feedback we receive at 2019 Regional Meetings. This is your opportunity to help determine a new exciting season in Quota’s life cycle, and I encourage you to participate.
Emilie Simon
2018-2020 President
Want to print President Emilie’s messages and distribute to your club? Click HERE to access the printable PDF archive of this series.