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President’s Message - June 2019

Writer's picture: Quota InternationalQuota International

Dear Quota Members,

We Quotarians are a diverse group. We live in different countries, we sometimes eat very different foods, and our clothing and traditions vary widely from country to country. When President-elect/Treasurer Carol Patin, an obstetrician-gynecologist, leaves her Louisiana home in the United States early in the morning to deliver a baby, I am planning my evening dinner in Manila, Philippines. How can 4,100 Quotarians who live different lives, on different schedules, in different locations, choose to serve one organization – namely, Quota International? The answer lies in the word, SERVE. Our commitment to serving our communities in Quota’s name unites us all, no matter which time zone guides our comings and goings.

Because service is the heart of Quota International, I am beginning this message – a status report on QI’s programs and communications – by sharing the latest news on two international service initiatives that will change lives in the coming year.

Quota International Programs

  • United in Service

In January I announced the launching of Quota’s new volunteer-led United in Service (UIS) global initiative to celebrate Quota’s second century of service. Its purpose is to resurrect our organization-wide conversation on the many ways we change and save lives, and to promote new service ideas for clubs. I am pleased to announce that the Board of Directors has enthusiastically approved the United in Service Committee’s recommendations for two new Quota International signature service club projects:

  • Speech and Hearing – Sound Amplification Systems

  • Disadvantaged Women and Children – Assistance to Women and Children Abused by Domestic Violence

Your Board of Directors challenges every club in Quota to adopt one or both of these projects in the coming year and to report your accomplishments back to QI prior to Convention 2020 where we will celebrate your participation in these special initiatives. Our goal is to unite all clubs worldwide through 100% participation in one or both projects. The UIS Committee is working on guidelines that clubs can use to implement these projects in their Quota community. We will announce their publication on Quota’s Web site via Quota Quick Update. We are not asking you to replace your current service projects, but to add one or both initiatives to the array of service offerings you are planning in the next 12 months. Many thanks go to Committee Chair Mary Pribich, Past Central Area Director and Member of QI of Massillon in Ohio, U.S., and her hard-working committee members who represent seven different Quota countries: Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, Suriname, and the United States.

  • Hand-in-Hand World Service

Additionally, your Board of Directors has just approved Hand-in-Hand World Service projects for operation in 2019 to 2020. I am very pleased to announce that 20 projects, located in five countries (Fiji, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Suriname) have been selected. Funded 100% by your donations – no Quota International or We Share Foundation monies will be used – these Hand-in-Hand projects are managed by Quota members in local communities who understand the needs therein. The first World Service Hand-in-Hand project was launched in 1983 when a need to help women in India was supported by Quotarians from around the world. Tens of thousands of lives have been touched since then in multiple developing countries as the result of annual Hand-in-Hand financial gifts donated by Quota members and clubs worldwide.

Quota International Communications

  • New Quota International Web Site

We are finishing up work on a new Web site that we are creating in-house to replace our current Web site. We expect it to be complete within the next month or two. It’s a beautiful site and you will love it – especially since it will save U.S.$6,930 a year going forward because we will not be using our current costly platform that houses both our database and Web site. (Our database was replaced earlier this year – also an in-house project.)

Our new site will be easy to navigate. A new online Member Center will contain specific sections just for members, just for clubs and club presidents, and just for regions and regional directors. We are bringing back the Quota Express, too, our online e-publication which will contain links for all of our communications in one location: President’s Message, Team Quota Blog, Centennial Article Series, QI Facebook Page, In Memoriam, and our Quota Calendar. Our donors will appreciate our new donations page which will explain all Quota International and We Share Foundation gifting programs. Finally, our new Quota Store will offer one-stop shopping for all QI club supplies, jewelry, and specialty items. Our new site will be a wonderful resource for years to come.

  • Member and Leader Communications

We continue to offer multiple member and leader communications on a monthly basis – President’s Message, Quota Quick Update, and Leadership e-Alert. In addition, we aim for weekly updates on our Quota Blog and almost daily postings on our Quota International Facebook Page. We are also active on Instagram, for those of you who have an account. And, we all have been enjoying the monthly Centennial Article Series, which is continuing through this year.

  • Board/Club President/Regional Director Leadership Calls

In March we reinstituted our popular Leadership Calls with a twist. We now plan calls that include both Club Presidents and Regional Directors on all calls. Calls are offered multiple days and time periods so that there is a convenient call-in time no matter where you live in Quota’s world. All discussion points and ideas shared in calls are written and shared.

Convention 2020 Update

Executive Director Nancy Fitzpatrick completed a site visit to Grand Rapids, Michigan, earlier this month to kick off the start of our planning for next year’s international gathering of members in that city. Opening Ceremonies will open our Convention in the afternoon of Thursday, July 9. Our closing banquet will end our Convention on Saturday, July 11. The beautiful Amway Grand Plaza Hotel will be our host and home, and you will enjoy the myriad of shops, restaurants, and evening entertainment venues within walking distance.

Come early to enjoy some spectacular pre-convention tours. On Wednesday, July 8, enjoy a full day’s trip to Saugatuck, Michigan, noted as one of Conde Nast’s top 25 beaches in the world and is filled with wonderful shops, restaurants, and fun things to do. On Thursday, July 9, choose from two morning tours to sites you won’t want to miss in the Grand Rapids area. (Did someone say shopping will be involved?)

Convention registration rates will be set later in the year. Costs in Grand Rapids will be much less than what you found in Washington, D.C., at Convention 2018. Not only is the room rate about half of our 2018 rate (U.S.$139 plus taxes for a single, double, triple, or quad), but you will find beverages and meals to be less expensive as well.

After a rough financial start to our fiscal year, we are now in calmer waters. The Board of Directors and I wish to thank our hard-working staff and those caring volunteers who are assisting us with special projects. Finally, my thanks go to you, Quota’s members, for your generosity and support during this special year.


Emilie Simon

2018-2020 President

Want to print President Emilie’s messages and distribute to your club?  Click HERE to access the printable PDF archive of this series.


© 2019 Quota International, Inc.

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